Thursday, May 4, 2017

Crack 1.1 Released

I am pleased to announce the release of Crack 1.1.

This release includes:

  • Token literals and @xmacros.
  • Appendages
  • The module, which provides some higher level functionality for communication systems.
  • The crack.eventmgr module, which allows scheduling events in a poller loop.
  • Various minor enhancements and fixes.


  1. Hello Michael,
    Congratulations for all the great work you did on Crack. I love the syntax :)
    I know you wonder why there is not a big Crack community and I have a few clue about it.
    1) We should be able to have a Windows x64 version.
    2) It should be easier to install on Linux.
    3) Crack should have a package manager like Maven
    4) More presence on the net, like on this web site :

    Keep up the good job !
    Denis (

    1. Oh, I forgot
      7) The name (Crack) is not a good name. It's weird and impossible to search on google (too many meanings)

    2. > Congratulations for all the great work you did on Crack. I love the syntax :)

      > 1) We should be able to have a Windows x64 version.

      Yes, that'd be great! Unfortunately, it's going to require someone who is sufficiently invested in both Windows and Crack to pull it off. I took a stab at it at one point and couldn't get LLVM to build :-/

      > 2) It should be easier to install on Linux.

      I would consider (have considered) packaging it for Debian.

      > 3) Crack should have a package manager like Maven

      Most definitely. It's a major "TODO" for me.

      > 4) More presence on the net, like on this web site :

      Feel free to advertise :-)

      > 7) The name (Crack) is not a good name. It's weird and impossible to search on google (too many meanings)

      Was there supposed to be 5 & 6?

      The name originated as a weak pun on "GNU Lightning" which was the code-generation backend I used for its predecessor. I continue to appreciate the subversive nature of the name, however your point is well taken: in retrospect I should have considered searchability.

      Crack 2 will arrive under a different name :-)

  2. Hi again :)

    I tried to install version 1.1 on Linux Mint :

    Distro: Linux Mint 17 Qiana
    Operating System: Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS
    Kernel: Linux 3.13.0-24-generic
    Architecture: x86_64

    I followed the install steps (building/installig LLVM 3.3 and then crack 1.1).

    Now I can do a

    crack --version

    but if I try to do crack hello.crk I get a

    segmentation fault.

    I want to use Crack for a serious project and I don't have the choice of the OS (Windows and Mint).


    1. It does not work on Elementary OS either :

      Operating System: elementary OS 0.4.1 Loki
      Kernel: Linux 4.8.0-58-generic
      Architecture: x86-64


    2. I can't reproduce this on Mint (running on a 512M VM, x86-64, or in a Docker image of Mint):

      $ ./crack -l lib -
      import cout;
      cout `hello world!\n`;
      hello world!

      I do see one unexpected test failure, which I'll investigate.

      Once again, I encourage you to contact me on the mailing list or on IRC and we can investigate further.

      I have so far been unable to install Elementary OS in a VM, though I'll try again.

    3. I've verified that the tests run on Elementary OS.

      x ray - please contact me on IRC or on the mailing list if you'd like help debugging the problem on your system.

  3. Thank you for the bug report! I'll try to reproduce this in Mint 18.2.

    If you'd like to help debug this, please contact me on the mailing list ( or on IRC (#crack-lang on FreeNode)
